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9 Teas That Will Make Your Stomach Feel Better || Tea Benefits || Best tea for stomach problems & More

 #PATFitness #PrathikPrakash #BestTea #StomachProblems

Hey there, viewers! Welcome to PAT Fitness Health Article, This is Prathik Prakash, I m the founder of PAT Fitness.

Are you suffering Tummy troubles? An upset stomach can turn your day upside down. And if this has been happening a lot, you might need a game changer. How about you try herbal tea? In today’s Article, we’re going to talk about 9 teas to soothe your stomach. Is licorice tea helpful?   What about spearmint and peppermint? Should you drink fennel tea when facing digestive issues? We’re talking about all of these AND more...


 Spearmint Tea


Spearmint is a pleasant-smelling tea from the mint family.   You’ll find it in a number of products like health supplements, toothpastes, cosmetics, and even mouthwashes. But what makes spearmint so popular? The answer lies in the vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients this wonderful herb has to offer.   Spearmint tea is great for your digestive system.   It has a special compound that reduces digestive distress by soothing your stomach muscles.   Spearmint reduces muscle contractions in your digestive system. There has been a study on this. People who had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were   given. supplements containing spearmint alongside medications for diarrhea or constipation. People   who took spearmint supplements experienced relief from stomach pain, bloating, and discomfort. That’s not all. Experts have made a discovery. They found spearmint   blocks the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut.   The type of bacteria that gives you tummy troubles and foodborne illnesses. Wonderful. Isn’t it? So, how do you make spearmint tea? It’s simple. You can use fresh spearmint leaves or get tea bags.   Boil a cup of water and then remove it from heat. Allow fresh leaves   or a tea bag to seep in hot water. Strain and serve after 5 minutes. Do you not like the taste? You can always add a little honey and lime.   Make sure you get raw unfiltered honey for an extra health boost.   Raw honey has medicinal properties that help you further. Did you ever drink spearmint tea before? Do you like trying different flavours of herbal tea?   Which one is your favourite? Share your preferences with the PAT Fitness community in the comments below.


Licorice Tea


 Licorice has a very distinct taste. Sweet and slightly bitter if I must say.   This flowering plant is widely used in several traditional medicines due   to its healing properties. It has the power to soothe your upset stomach. If you’re prone to stomach ulcers, chamomile tea can be a big help as it fights against them.   You’ll experience relief from a lot of stomach ulcer symptoms   like nausea, pain, and acid reflux. No more heartburn and discomfort. Yay! One particular study has shown amazing results.   54 people were given 75 milligrams of licorice extract twice daily for a month.   All of them experienced a significant improvement in episodes of indigestion. Now that’s a big win! You can buy licorice tea at supermarkets.   It is often found in herbal teas blended with other herbs. Make sure you don’t exceed the   recommended daily amount. Licorice can be dangerous if taken in high amounts. Ideally, stick to one cup of licorice tea daily.


Fennel Tea


 Fennel is a popular after-dinner mouth freshener in India. Fennel seeds are refreshing after   all. But its positive effects on your health are far more superior.   Fennel tea is very helpful in relieving constipation, gas, stomach aches and diarrhoea. A study involving 80 women concluded fennel tea is great for reducing PMS symptoms like nausea.   These women took fennel supplements several days before and during their menstruation. Another study found fennel tea to be very effective in stopping the growth   of harmful bacteria like E Coli. You can make fennel tea by boiling 1 teaspoon of   dried fennel seeds with one cup of water. Strain and enjoy your tea. In case you have a fennel plant in your kitchen garden, you can stepp its leaves   or roots in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. Your fresh fennel tea is ready to drink.


Peppermint Tea


Peppermint needs no introduction. Its mouth freshening flavour already makes it popular.   But did you know peppermint tea is also really helpful with digestive troubles?   It helps relax intestinal muscles and relieves pain caused by cramping. Peppermint is so effective that a review of 14 studies show that it reduced the duration,  frequency, and severity of stomach pain in kids.   Try drinking peppermint tea the next time you’re feeling nauseated. It also helps prevent vomiting. Wondering how to make fresh peppermint tea? Crush peppermint leaves in hot water and allow   them to steep in for 10 to 15 minutes. Your peppermint tea is ready to drink.


Chamomile Tea


 Chamomile is such a beautiful flower. So is the tea made from using them. This flavourful drink   is light and soothing. People with anxiety problems are often recommended to drink it. Chamomile is also great for your digestive system.   It relaxes your digestive muscles and tissues providing relief from bloating and pain.   It helps a lot in case you have indigestion, nausea, vomiting or even diarrhoea. Do you feel giddy and nauseous while travelling? Chamomile tea helps with motion sickness as well. There’s been a study on the effectiveness of chamomile tea.   65 women undergoing chemotherapy were given 500 milligrams of chamomile extract twice daily.   It was reported that this reduced the frequency of vomiting caused by chemo. Another study found chamomile tea to be effective on diarrhea. Making chamomile tea isn’t rocket science. I love how easy it is to   make this one. You just need to let a tablespoon of dried chamomile leaves   steep in a cup of hot water for a few minutes. Tea bags are fine too.


Black Tea


Are you a black coffee lover? Well maybe you should try black tea as well.   It’s loaded with amazing health benefits. Especially for your digestive system.   It soothes your stomach and is very effective at treating diarrhoea. How do we know this? A study involving 120 kids found that black tea helped improve the volume,  consistency, and frequency of the bowel movement. Still doubting it? Just be careful with the amount you drink each day. Stick to drinking one to two   cups of black tea every day. Caffeine overload from black tea can further upset your stomach.


Ginger Tea


Boil ginger root in water and drink it. Yes,   it’s that simple to get a healthy digestive system. Ginger tea is easy to make,   yet highly effective in treating digestive issues like nausea, vomiting, and bloating. Ginger helps with cramping and indigestion as well. In case you suffer from bowel irregularity,  try ginger tea as it helps regularize your bowel movements. If you dislike   the taste of a simple ginger tea, try this recipe. I’m sure you’ll love it. Grate an inch of ginger and add it to 1.5 cups of water. Bring them to boil.   Strain and add honey, lemon juice, and a pinch of black salt.   You can add peppermint leaves for extra health benefits and flavour.


Green Tea


Green is super popular for a reason. It offers several amazing health benefits.   It helps destress and detox your body, sooth your digestive system,   and relieve bloating. It has been a natural remedy for diarrhea and infection as well. Green tea is particularly effective in treating stomach pain, nausea, and bloating. There are   several green tea brands with different flavours available on the market. Choose the one you like   and make it a habit to drink one cup daily.



Holy Basil Tea (TULSI)


Holy basil is more popularly known as tulsi.   This is a powerful herb popular in the India. Thanks to its high medicinal value.   This tea is great for soothing your stomach. It’s known to help boost immunity as well. There have been several studies on the effectiveness of holy basil.   It’s been reported this wonderful herb protects you against stomach ulcers.   Stomach ulcers give you a lot of grief in the form of nausea, heartburn, and stomach pain. One particular study found that holy basil not only protected you against stomach ulcers.   It also healed existing ulcers within a span of 20 days of treatment. That’s awesome! Isn’t it? So how do you make this healthy tea?   Easy! You can buy holy basil tea bags from the supermarket. Holy basil green tea is   quite popular also. Or make a fresh pot of tea using ingredients from your kitchen. Holy basil plant is easy to maintain. You can use a few leaves every time you brew   your regular tea. Just add tulsi leaves to the pot   and you’re done! There’s another way to make a pot of super healthy herbal tea. Add one cup of water and a half inch of grated ginger to the pot.   Drop in a bunch of holy basil leaves, and half a teaspoon of fennel seeds. Let them   boil for a few minutes. Turn the heat off. You can add raw honey and lemon juice if you like.   Drink this wonderful tea. I am sure you’ll love the taste. Teas are a great way to nurse your tummy back to health. But they aren’t the only   way. You can keep your gut happy by doing a cleanse every now and then.   Or eat alkaline foods that give you a healthy digestive system. Here’s how... 

Watch 11 Ways To Clean Gut Bacteria. You can also try 16 Alkaline Foods You Must Have In Your Daily Diet. Go ahead, click one. Better yet,   watch both. Do you drink any of these teas? Let us know in the comments below!


Prathik Prakash

Founder of PAT Fitness 


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